Spanish 6 / Cine

Señor  López

Course Description:

Since the 1920s, cinema in Spanish has entered a global film market, bringing large screen representations of Spain and Latin America to wider audiences across the globe.  This course will consist of a critical overview of the role that filmmakers from varied backgrounds have taken in interpreting similar trends in contemporary Hispanic culture and society.  By analyzing cinema from the last half-century, with a particular emphasis on the last decades, along with selected critical texts on current issues in Spain and Latin America, we will explore such topics as the recreation of reality, immigration and exile, marginalization, globalization, economic inequalities, and experiences of war and violence, among other themes.  This course will emphasize communication (understanding and being understood by others) by applying interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills in real-life situations taking each film and its contexts as a starting point. This includes vocabulary usage, language control, communication strategies, and cultural awareness.  

Some of the big ideas that the students will be exposed to are:




Upon entering this class, you will be treated like an adult.  By now you have been in school long enough to know what behaviors are appropriate.  Mutual respect is expected by all. Remember, we are all in this together. All school rules will apply.

In class expectations:


Class Participation Rubric

Class Participation Rubric.pdf

Performance Rubric

Performance Rubrics (López) - Google Docs.pdf

SP6/Cine - Class Materials